But she still doesn't realize her own emotions and keeps on trying... just to go around the clock...Akatsuki-chan is just so perceptive once in a while!And it feels that neither Hibiki nor Gangut have had any interest in the Union recently...So she must be getting rather desperate right now, I think....you've grown... Akatsuki......that's some red history there.What are you on about? I'm the eldest sister here, aren't I!?...is basically what I'm thinking it is...She became lonely. That was how it went down, right Hibiki?Maybe Tashkent-san is so adamant about reviving the Union because she's in a similar state of mind to the Hibiki of old?When the old Hibiki met Gangut-san, she cheered up.I'm sure it'd be the same with Tashkent-san.Her second homeland, the Soviet Union... there wasn't a single soul in the Naval Base with whom she could share her memories of that.And maybe, just maybe... that's because she found a friend that she can share her nostalgia with.So if she can just have someone to talk about her motherland with...A number of years back, Hibiki was all about working hard to revive the Soviets, wasn't she!