Artist's commentary
Sorry for bad English, only GOOGLE translation can be used path of exile is an MMORPG, not a drawing software The game can be decorated in your own hiding place And I just use the stones, trees, gems, slate... etc. inside to paint Due to the color and irregular shape, there is a limit of 750 Please forgive me if there are any disadvantages
英文不好很抱歉,只能用GOOGLE翻譯來進行 path of exile 是一款MMORPG 而不是繪圖軟體 遊戲內可在自己的藏身處進行布置裝飾 而我就是用裡面的石頭、樹木、寶石、石板...等進行繪畫 由於顏色以及不規則形狀還有750個數量的限制 如果有不好之處還請見諒
Picture collection https://imgur.com/gallery/Fuu5FhO