Until you ship girls appeared even the mainland was under attack during this war, so people were living in tense times accordingly.However, after more than seven years of fighting the situation has relaxed to such a degree that the general populace basically thinks we're back to times of peace.Now that ship girls are putting their lives on the line and humans no longer have to, they're probably thinking it's none of their business.They're saying whatever they want inside a peaceful world that you girls have secured while risking your lives... what an arrogant bunch.But you're putting your life on the line, aren't you?After all, this is a special CSAR unit that was formed specifically for ship girls!And you're its last bastion!In a case of emergency that's true.The arsenal fairies are responsible for handling the instant repair material, but... they also need an "admiral" they can follow.In which case I'd have to go out there myself.My starter ship has told me countless timesThat I'm just not cut out to be a "commander" no matter what.That I'm not the type to keep sitting in my chair and just develop strategies.No matter how hard I try, I'll always be a frontline commander...
It simply is in my nature to risk my life at the front together with my comrades.