For a Pokemon collaboration: Kanto Pokemon Collaboration! *READ THE RULES*Big update for current, watching participants! Please check the recent updates. Based on the huge Pokémon Trainer collaboration, Tinker-Jet and I have decided to start our own, but instead of drawing the trainers, we'll be drawing the actual Pokémon instead. Mouse over the bubbles below to join us. #1. Recent updates. Big Update: For those of you who remember, we were once very adamant about people watching us before participating in this collaboration. I want to make it clear that we were not looking to punish you guys. We are also aware that it's only become more difficult with deviantART not allowing us to separate polls and status updates from our journal entries. With that said, the primary purpose of this exercise was to make sure everyone was reading the rules and to make sure that we'd be able to contact everyone easily once the collaboration was finished. However, the news is good: since we first introduced this collaboratio