Q-Quiet Sentai...?I... I'm Hood White...For a Sentai you all seem to be rather low-key. Especially you. We're the Quiet Sentai, after all. AND I AM YOUR COMMANDER MERLIN! THE FOUNDER OF THIS SENTAI, AND HOOD COORDINATOR! Hood PurpleSomething about his face and voice make me think he'll betray us in the second half of the story. H-Hood... Pink...Since we can't trust him let's stab him while we have the chance. So you've finally come, fifth hooded girl!So this is Chaldea... first I need to find my teacher...I am Mysterious Heroine X Alter, and I am also the leader of this Quiet Sentai, Hood Black! Wh-who are you all?!We've come to welcome you to our team. He's suspicious... (Fundamentally)