Don't give me that '?' face-! My own producer... Listen up alright? My theory goes like this...Just you watch-! I'm going to nail this upcoming space-themed job-!After studyingCopernicus? Mad respect for that guy... So cool...My next job has to do with space...? I don't know a lot about like, the universe...Huh!? "Then let's go study it"!? Hey... No way, I hate that sciency stuff--Heliocentric theory is the best...Among all the stars and planets, such an amazing idol exists... So I'm going to believe in an idol-centric theory of the universe-!Because he stayed true to what he believed in despite what was accepted as correct at the time, and eventually changed our understanding of the world-!Is that crazy awesome or what-! I've decided! I'm coming up with my own 'heliocentric theory'!If you believe me Producer, I can be the next Copernicus!Mirei was unexpectedly excited for this.
Cinderella Girls Theater
Theater Episode 1252 - Space Excitement