Reiuji Utsuho (Okuu)
Komeiji Satori's beloved hell raven. In charge of managing Blazing Hell. Hard-working at heart.
(Subterranean Animism)
Komeiji Satori
A youkai who can read minds with her third eye. Master of the Palace of the Earth Spirits. Always worrying about the people who work for her.
(Subterranean Animism)
Characters Appearing in This Book
Mountain Goddess
A goddess who brought Yatagarasu with her from the Outside. Didn't ask Satori before fusing Okuu with the Yatagarasu, so she doesn't think very highly of her.
(Mountain of Faith)
Yatagarasu / Three-Legged Crow
A three-legged crow from the continent. Later found out that Gei had always meant to spare one of them. After that, he received the name Yatagarasu and was fused with Okuu by the mountain goddess' power. Post-fusion, he lives as a massive brooch on Okuu's chest.