Artist's commentary
the Death and the Strawberry
"Good morning...."
- ICHIGO KUROSAKI and RUKIA KUCHIKI from #bleach -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------yaayyy if you follow our twitter you might saw this already lol XDDD
we made a fan art to celebrate the last volume of BLEACH that released a while ago ;v; Heartuhuhuhuplz
based on the last vol cover, but we made ichigo and rukia in their 'young' form ;v;thank you very much BLEACH! this series is one of our fisrt shonen manga who we really love and follow >///v///<
HOLYY WE REALLY LOVE ICHIGO XD Ichigo icon Ichigo icon Ichigo icon paste so much emoji cuz he's so hot lollll >///7///<hope you will like it~! Love--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ichigo and rukia (c) #bleach / tite kubo
fan art (c) Skunkyfly stop1plzstop2plzstop3plzstop4plz
Thank you for passing by~ <3
Skunkyfly/skfuu /DAYLIO