2 Divide the surface into many large regions, matching them up with the outline. Again, draw in distortions as you see fit.Rubble Drawing Method 1Type: Pebble, rock, concrete, other hard objects
Size: Small stone to about the size of a fist3 Add more details, and draw in shading lines. The trick is to vary the flow and weight of the lines, and avoid being too consistent.2 Draw the surface. In this example, the top part was originally the face of the rock, while the bottom part was broken off.1 Without thinking too deeply, draw an outline. Try to do it in one stroke, and draw in distortions as you see fit.Rubble Drawing Method 2Type: Rock, concrete
Size: Tens of centimeters to a few meters1 Imagine the final shape, and draw an outline to match. Because the rock will be large, don't add too many sharp points—the whole thing should look round.3 Finish the surface and shading. Coincidentally, the outline appears natural when lines extending from the warped portion are filled in to make a surface. The surface corners don't form sharply acute angles, and it appears as if you can distinguish multiple layers.