About yesterday, the 8th of November... you know what day it was?Ah!What the DESS!!Don't teach Kongou such vulgar things!Was it some sort of anniversary...?Heyyy, Kongou.Oh, nooooo! It's just a really stupid joke, see!...ahh, nothing really.—is what I'd like to say, but that's supposed to be yesterday's news! And here I thought I'd managed to worm my way out of this one, but nooooo, this drunkard just couldn't read the moo—Nice Ti...
1 = "ichi", shortened to "i"
0 = read here just as "o"
8 = "hachi", shortened to "ha". Accent marks can change the Japanese "ha" to either "ba" or "pa".
Hence, with some stretching, 11/08 becomes "ii o(p)pa(i)", or "nice tits" day