Foreign Ship Gag Manga BiyoriThe foreign ships, playing mahjong. (Nobody knows the rules.)RON!!The tile I'm taking is upside-down!?W-Whaaaaaat!?What should I do!?Heheheh...Kuku... what a pity.Not knowing how to deal with this, she regretfully passes.
You cannot pass in mahjong.Warspite continued to pass afterwards.
You cannot pass in mahjong. It's important, so I said it twice.Heheh... and that's my win!
agari - the call for a winning hand, either ron (winning off another player) or tsumo (winning off a self-drawn tile)POW!Geh... I'll pass for now...East-West-South-North, and also the middle!
I've collected all the directions!This is not a hand; winds can be a hand, but only the round's or your seat's winds are able to be won on, unless you have either 3 sets of the winds plus a pair (i.e. either 3 or 4 of E/W/S and 2 N); or a full set of each wind. This is one of the highest-scoring hands possible in Japanese mahjong.
Further, what Richlieu called the winds is incorrect, both in order and pronunciation - Japanese mahjong uses east-south-west-north, read as ton-nan-shaa-pei (from the Chinese). In a similar vein, while the red dragon tile is referered to as 'middle', which is what the kanji on it is, it's called chun, not naka (or chuu.)Why is like that only where I am...?It's possible that Warspite is only drawing from the tiles in front of her, and that she has the 'dead wall', which has both the tiles taken for 4 of a kind sets (kan) as well as tiles that will never be played. The upside-down tile is a dora indicator, showing that the following tile in the suit is worth one han (point multiplier), but cannot be used to win with on its own. An additional tile is flipped if a player declares a kan; and the tiles under each dora tile (the ura-dora)are also used if a player goes into riichi, where a player forgoes the ability to alter their hand for one extra han and the chance to get the ura-dora.Ach! There's nothing on here... it's a blank!While a plain white tile can be a blank, it can also be the white dragon (some sets put a black border on the dragon tile to differentiate it from actual blanks)Relentlessly grabbing people's discards, Gangut's tiles now number 32.
Firstly, you can only take tiles to complete sets, not just in general (3/4 of a kind from anyone, a run only from the previous player, unless for a win), which you also have to open to the table and put to the side; secondly, a hand is only 13 tiles, with the 14th being either for a win or discarded.