Also,Hold the fuckin' phone, Pofu-kou.It couldn't be helped-pofu!You tellin' me you didn't erase their fuckin' memories about us, ya' lil' shit?The magic tree only erases memories of the creatures from the land of magic-pofu.They might track us to our school...If the police start getting involved we might even be suspended...That's nothing-pofu! In the worst case scenario...I understand, Poffle... At worst, we may become suspected of being interested in crossdressing, no?Eeep!I suppose this means it is necessary for us to make an expedient withdrawal before we are witnessed after defeating a shouldn't call out your real names when transforming into magical girls-pofu!We might blow up even worse.Seriously!?Fuck that!The enemies might come after you before you've transfor...That would suck!