those that were heavily armoured but slow...With so many bogies, one gets the feeling that maintenance would be quite the pain, non?The "Heavy-Armoured Lead-Footed" representative, the Churchill 1!And adjacent is the "Light-Armoured Fleet-Footed" cruiser tank, the Comet.Oh my, how rude of me!
I've thoughtlessly let my inner thoughts slip out of my lips, haven't I!...and the thinly armoured but fast.Polar opposites, indeed.As it was a vehicle for infantry support, it proved to be of great efficacy!With its top speed of around 50km/hr, it was a rather capable speed demon!Anglo-French...The British tanks of the Second Great War were separated into two broad categories:To say its speed is so wonderful - that's not all it has going for it, is there? Could you perhaps not put in your two pence on all and sundry?