Greetings. It's me.
The person known as Minamoto Hisanari.
Hello, hello.
So, I've been rambling and tweeting for a while now how I really, really wanted to publish this. (What a modern phrase!)
It's a YuuParu book!
Thank you, thank you!
Anyway, I was drawing them really enthusiastically, so I kinda feel like their hairstyles are a bit different than in most of my books.
Well, it's fine!
Big sister Yuugi's laid-back manliness, and Parsee jealous but unwittingly attracted to her radiance...
I really love those two.
I'd like to draw them again if I can. Since our girls got their mutual feelings cleared up in this book, if I were to put out a second one, I might want to make it about this hopeless couple saying hopeless things and doing hopeless gags.
...Any YuuParu is great, though. lolol fine with me lololol
Well then, we just might again with another book like that.
Well then well then. Farewell.
Minamoto Hisanari