Freelance writer, Mafia Kajita...During his days of being feared by the people, he had a fateful encounter.His history is long, and its origin goes back to the Heian period...
Heian period: 794-1185The first Mafia Kajita made a name for himself as a destructive monkKemari.Ah~~~~The car interior is soooo spacious!!Captivated by kemari at first sight, his brush was on fire as he sought to tell people of the wonders of kemari!And so, with the secrets passed from father to son, the guardians of recreational culture continue to carry out their mission...Sugita-san, please don't make stuff up.I wanna be in a car commercial or something... and then live the easy life~~Even if Mafia Kajita suddenly joins your family one day...You'll! Be! Okay!!!What kind of situation is that?