Paralysis RingCombat Prowess +9999
Physical Attack: 99-999
Magical Attack: 99-999
Theurgy: 99-999
Note the completely out of proportion status gain here. This is common for all Legend of Blue Moon style shit browser MMORPGs: A certain accessory/weapon that will blow your status to ridiculous level, and you usually get it within the first minute of gameplay by slaughtering some generic mundane enemy like chicken or pig. With items like this equipped, you can mindlessly maul through most stock enemies in the game (which the game will do it automatically for you, how considerate) and gain levels like crazy. You will hit the level cap within minutes, so will you hit the paywall. You will have to pay to remove the level cap, or pay to have the super item stay in your inventory permanently. Or pay for both, because FUCK YOU GIMME MONEY.Mother-fucking Ring
“麻痹(má bì,Paralysis)” is a pun on "妈逼(mā bī,abbreviated to MB,mother-fucking)" in Chinese.