Artist's commentary
guess what she's listening to?
*Process Video/Breakdown*
Hi everyone! It's about 2 months I didn't post any work here because I have a lot of things to do like... a Finals Exam, Senior project, yeah about student college stuff hahaha.
Here! another random original work.
about this work, I want to do something new that I never try such as the city, town or an urban background style, I try to make it feels like.... somewhere in Japan(that I never visit too wwww) and hope I look like it
during this work, I change a lot and a lot of things like character, the background. (actually, I plan this on daytime but I change into night that I can play with lighting and shadow more)
I spend time a month because on I'm not good enough on somethings. (It's may look weird at some point), and sometimes It's got me down because I have no Idea what to do, worst thing is I can’t do It so It makes me change something again ;-;
but... yeah It's finally done! so I gonna try, practice and improve more!
this is must be the last work on this year
the sad news is about next year I don't have the time or maybe a few times to draw an artwork It's gonna be less than this year ;-;
because I need to work on my 2D animation senior project stuff.(If It's done hope I can share with you guys too)
anyway, I still here and I try my best :)
you can follow my twitter
Merry Christmas guys!