Allelujah HaptismThe Gundam Meister for the shape-changing Gundam Kyrios. He spent his childhood in the facility for the human improving alliance coo-funded by China, Russia etc. Unlike what his face shows here, he has a gentle personality. 19 years old.Tieria ErdeFOUR ANGELS.Those who destroy in order for regeneration to descend on earth."Gundam00", a story about a group of people opposing the so called war system.Setsuna F. SeieiHe's the Gundam Meister for Exia, a close range combat Gundam. He has a past as a child soldier in the still continuing civil war in the Kurdistan replubic of Middle East. Probably it's because of that, that he doesn't show his own emotions so oftenly. 16 years old.AIMING AT WAR ERADICATIONA PRIVATE ARMED ORGANIZATION, CELESTIAL BEINGSetsuna and the other Gundam Meisters, are struggling for the purpose of eradicating strives.REGENERATION HAS BEGUN.A.D. 23074 PILOTS, THE GUNDAM MEISTERSTHROUGH DESTRUCTION,OPERATING
WEAPONSThe fuselage Setsuna pilots, perfect for close range fights. Thanks to the GN particles released by the GN Drive in its core, grants it godly movements and an infinitely fast energy. Lockon StratosThe Gundam Meister for the heavy armored type Gundam, Virtue. He's a pretty boy whose origins, nationality, background are all wrapped in mistery. His beautiful black hair and his serene gaze, are rather feminine.Gundam ExiaHe's the Gundam Meister for the sniping type Gundam Dynames. He's the senior of the four, and he acts as the team leader. He's extroverted and lively, and he also divine sniping skills. 24 years old.