Artist's commentary
My little firestarter
There's kind of a dark theme to this one. Poor little Cyndaquil has been abandoned by it's trainer in a field simply because his trainer can't deal with him anymore. Even the colour pallete and the composition is meant to emphasise some sort of innocent isolation. It's evening, the day is ending, the wind is picking up and you can clearly see he's alone in an empty field.
Originally I was going to put a little - "I'm sorry" note on the basket to kind of make this idea more clear, but because this was painted for someone else, they kindly requested me not to do this. "It's too depressing!" they said.
In a way, I agree. This way without reading this description, you can have a positive interpretation of this painting. Maybe it's a wild Cyndaquil who's strolled across a picnic basket and decided to take a well-deserved nap after a long day of battling?
Something else I also attempted to do was to try to actually paint something cute for once. Hopefully I've succeeded. Imo seeing this little guy with some fluff on him, with his itty, bitty paws makes me want to squeeze him and keep him forever. I think that speaks more about the source material than my actual painting style but I hope that I've actually made you guys at least feel a fraction of what I do when I see this.
Oh well, what do you guys think?