That's hard...I'd watch my lover (who I have an insurance policy on) die. Eh? There's no insurance policy in this scenario? ...Then, I'd save the one with rich parents. As the one who saved their life, they'd thank me, with money of course. And more importantly, the media would report on it and I'd be a global hero and become famous, killing two birds with one stone nanodesu. Whether my lover or my comrade died, it would be seen as a tragedy for me, thus making me look even better. Afterwards, despite being a poor writer, I could earn lots of money by publishing my recollections of it, and go on TV.
[Inazuma is blocking this part of the text]
As a result, I'd make a whole ton of money, and I can just get a new lover or comrade.Here's a psychological test.Both a lover and a war comrade are irreplaceable.Your lover and your war comrade are drowning in the ocean.You can only save one of them. Which do you save?Could you let me think about this for a bit?Both of them!!!Noooo I'd save