Despite a previous announcement of new goods arriving at Kourindou, it’s possible that not just goods but also an illness has arrived in Gensokyo.
According to our independent investigation, a rash of the once-rare illness known as “smartphone neck” has occurred. The illness results from serious injuries in cervical vertebrae caused by continuous use of Kourindou’s paperweight “smartphones”.
Apparently the disease itself has entered into Gensokyo. Evidence of this shift is in this photo. You must promptly sever relations if you see this kind of person. Avoid contact as much as possible. Otherwise, I humble ask that you promptly manage the disease yourself if you catch it. For the sake of not increasing the number of victims any further, promptly exterminate all the pathogens. As is, a new disease will arise in Gensokyo called “walking smartphone”. It’s probably not a new species of tsukumogami that walks on its own? Should they be seen, let’s exterminate them without fail.
どうやら病気自体は既に幻想郷に入り込んでしまった。その動かぬ証拠がこの写真である。このような者を見かけたら、いち早く縁を切るべきだ。可能な限り接触を持つべきではない。もしくは、自分の力に自身のある者であれば、一刻も早く始末していただければと思う。これ以上の被害者を増やさないためにも、すみやかに、病原菌を断つべきだ。このままでは、もうひとつの奇病「歩きスマホ」も遠からず幻想郷にやってくるだろう。独りでに歩くというから、付喪神の新種ではないだろうか。見かけたら是非退治しよう。The strange disease "smartphone neck" has arrived in Gensokyo! Citizens need to beware of this contagion.