Just leave this to Miss Marisa!Badaaanwith hot waterUnhealthy."Meowww (Sorry, Tewi...)"A paper fan!? And why are your eyes shining like a little boy who's discovered a new game?Evening CoolAah, don't sweat it.Hang in there, Tewi...I'm gonna save you now.Meow
MeowLinguistically"Usa-usa (Aaah, th-this is no big deal...)"Kind of odd to say "can't peel her off", isn't it?Awriiight!BWOOO
HHH!!!What? You're upset 'cause you can't peel off Tewi?FwafffMeowww! (Teacher, you're aweshome!)Afterward, Miss Alice put Tewi back to normal.(Nod)