Hibiki's Room
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Artist's commentary
艦隊ジャーナル 183
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Welcome to Yokosuka Naval Base
Prinz Arrives
Naval Base Press
September Issue
Vol. 29
Published by the 1stPropDiv
Writer: Aoba
Editor: Aoba
Executive Editor: Aoba
Today's Guest...Kaga
Monday: Satsuki
Tuesday: Kuma
Wednesday: Yuubari
Thursday: I-58
Friday: Shigure
Saturday: Suzuya
Sunday: Admiral
This Week's Mess Duty Roster:
Shira☆Tsuyu's Death Scream Live Performance Info
We're discontinuing part of the menu and introducing new ones. For further information, please refer to the store gate and the details part of the bulletin board.
There seem to be people who are overdue with turning in their requests for permission to go outside. Please keep the set deadline for any applications.
The Naval Base Bulletin
Peeling Off the Shipgirls
There's going to be a short intensive special training course on Saturday, 6 o'clock. The subjects are listed below.
(If you try to escape, I'll have Sendai drag you everywhere across the Base grounds, so I dare you.)
The above threeOkay, it's time for "Hibiki's Room". This show is designed to give a refreshing moment to girls on battlefield, constantly facing life-and-death situations.
Nope, just kidding. Today we have with us Kaga-san, the base's Queen of Bauxite. Welcome.
"It's been a long time since I had my blood running like this."
- You must be lacking calcium. I'll give you some fried anchovies later. It didn't help Inazuma much, though.
"I get that you're actively trying to annoy me. How about I dislodge every joint of yours?"
- That's not so funny coming from one of the Base's fiercest fighters. I seriously am so scared I think I'm gonna wet myself.
"Then at least try to look scared..."
- That aside, it's kinda surprising that you decided to come here.
"I, myself, had no intention to take part in such a jest to begin with."
- Then what brings you here today?
"It's Shoukaku. She urged me to make an appearance, expecting something fun. Then I ended up here before I even realized."
- I still don't get whether you're being kind or harsh towards your junior. Maybe Shoukaku too isn't someone to be trifled with.
- So, what is troubling you? Does it have something to do with Shoukaku? I heard you sometimes ask the admiral for advice on your relationship.
"No, I don't have any problems with Shoukaku right now."
- But you shoved her face right into the ground during that battle royale.
"Want me to do the same to you?"
- No thanks, I absolutely don't want to get pressed against the ground. Anything else that matters to you?
"...They say my lack of expression makes me scary."
- Your facial muscles are dead, after all.
"The exact same can be said about you."
- But I think you sometimes show smiles when dead drunk.
"If that's the way to go I'll be asleep before I notice. And I feel that's not really my own smile."
- Then how about some practice? I'll take the judgement seriously this time. Go ahead.
※ Kaga is trying to make a smile
"How was it?"
- ...Yup, that was flat out scary. If you try anymore you're gonna give me heart attacks.
It's about time we wrap this up. It's a pity but see you again.
"Now that was really harsh..."