Medial MalleolusPatellar LigamentIliotibial TractLateral MalleolusTibialis Anterior MuscleTendons of Flexor Digitorum Longus and Flexor Hallucis LongusPatellaCalcaneusRectus Femoris MuscleTibiaThe longest muscle in the human body. Runs from the pelvic bone to the knee.Runs from the pubic bone to the femur.Without this muscle, you would not be able to stick your leg straight out while walking or running.One of the quadriceps muscles. Important in walking and standing up. Strong.One of the quadriceps muscles. Works to extend the knee. Looks tasty.One of the quadriceps muscles. Works to extend the knee.The outer ankle. Its true identity is the end of the fibula.When giving orders with your feet, you mustn't forget your eleganceVastus Medialis MuscleLumbrical MusclesSoleus MuscleLick the plate clean.
What did he mean by this?A small muscle that flexes and adducts only the little toe.Flexes the four toes, excluding the big toe. It is in the most superficial layer of foot muscles.The inner ankle. Its true form is the end of the tibia.Extends the big toe.Flexes the four toes excluding the big toe.Pes AnserinusIn both Latin and Japanese, this is called the "duck's foot" because of its appearance.When viewing from the front, the inner ankle appears noticeably higher than the outer ankle.One of the calf muscles. Along with the gastrocnemius muscle it forms the Achille's tendon.Flexes and abducts the little toe.Abducts the big toe.Flexor Hallucis Brevis MuscleUsually written 短母趾屈筋.Extensor Digitorum Brevis MuscleUsually written 短趾伸筋.A muscle that flexes the big toe.
One of the muscles which makes up the ball of the foot.They are located very close to the top of the foot, so much so that they can be seen from the outside.The foot muscles are complicated, tiny, and in many layers, so only the muscles that can be seen in the outermost layers are shown here.extensor actionflexor actionThe function of most hand and feet muscles can be guessed based off of their names.The middle part is covered in an aponeurosisAn aponeurosis is thick, fibrous tissue that muscles attach onto.Where the sartorius, semitendinosus, and gracilis muscles attach.Works to extend all the toes except for the big toe.A muscle that extends the big toe and dorsiflexes the foot. It's hiding behind other muscles so it's hard to see, but it is long.Around the ankle, it divides into four tendons that attach to the bones of the four smaller toes to extend them.A muscle that continues to the bottom of the foot. It works to evert the foot.Adductor Longus MuscleVastus Lateralis MuscleI got lazy drawing the bonesA muscle that dorsiflexes the foot. It is strong.One of the calf muscles. It is strong.Tensor Fasciae Latae MuscleMouthful memo
The arch of the foot, along with the beauty of getting a peek of a girl's groin while she wears a school swimsuit and stretches her legs are phenomena only seen in humans.Warning: when talking of the fingers it is common to use the Kanji 指, and when talking of the toes to use 趾; however this is confusing so here only 指 is used.behind these superficial muscles, the vastus intermedius muscle lies, completing the quadriceps muscle.these attach here, transferring their powerWhat kind of command is this?Learning with Orange Pekoe-chan:
A girl's body(Lower extremity muscles, part 1)A buffed up plan!Abductor Hallucis MuscleUsually written 母趾外転勤.Sartorius MuscleBoth the Latin and Japanese names come from the word for "tailor," in reference to the cross-legged position that tailors used to sit in.Pectineus MuscleFlexor Digiti Minimi Brevis MuscleFlexor Digitorum Brevis MuscleUsually written 短趾屈筋.Fibularis Longus MuscleAbductor Digiti Minimi Muscle of footUsually written 小趾外転筋.Extensor Hallucis Longus MuscleUsually written 長母趾伸筋.Gastrocnemius MuscleExtensor Hallucis Brevis MuscleUsually written 短母趾伸筋.Extensor Digitorum Longus MuscleUsually written 長趾伸筋.