How about joining the light music club!Erm... thank you very much,
How about a community circle together with some college students--
Taken from Univinjapan:
"Secondly, there are unofficial groups run by students: “circles”. In most cases, circles don’t receive any aid from universities and cover a wider variety of activities than clubs. While some circles take their activities seriously, others tend to place more emphasis on having fun. Accordingly, age-based hierarchical relationships in circles usually are less strict than in clubs."It's fine if you just go to take a look~but I'm sorry.Outside the circleDo you practice any sports~?Are you interested in becoming a manager?
In Japan, it's common to be a "manager" for sports clubs, a person to take care of the schedule, equipment and other things, and not actually taking part in the sport. More often than not, this role is performed by a girl.There's a club that I want to check out, so...Have you decided on a club already?She's crazy popular...