BIRTHDAY!!It's fine! I don't mind...Is that... a present from the Admiral!?You here, Shikinami? There's something here addressed to you, see?Isn't that just great, Shikinami-chan!B-Be quiet...But it's just too bad... The Admiral's got work, so he's not on the base...I get that the Commander's busy and all. And what's more...To not spend Shikinami-chan's - the girl to which he married - birthday together...Today is Shikinami's birthday.Getting a present with all the pressure he's under with work...That's the composure of a legal wife....!!...no matter how busy he gets, the Commander always gives me a present, you see...Afterwards, they heard 2 hours of love-talk.But you were saying something like "He's just gone and forgot all about me, hasn't he. Hmpf!" before, right, Shikinami?