Is there an example of the opposite, ships built in Japan but sent overseas?Foreign exchange?Let me inform you that they're older than you, Nagamon...Off we go!Ha-... Hau r yu?I'm heading over to Japan, de-su!Kongou onee-sama was built in England and then came to Japan butYes, there is!!BonjourIf they somehow come to our Naval base...For example, the Arabe-Class Destroyers ordered by France during WWI.
(Also known as Tribal-Class Type Japonais)We're going to become French, a Parisian! PARISIAN!It appears they were all struck off before WWII de-su-They are the same class as the Japanese Kaba class destroyers built from 1917 and onward.All 12 of them were finished in less than a year and sent off to France for active service.If they are black-haired loli schoolgirls filled with the sweetness of Taisho democracy style who have become Parisian...