Artist's commentary
Ohtsutsuki Kaguya
I received a request advice, in my ASK.
Starfall want me to draw the Ohtsutsuki Kaguya, you know I like strong women, and Ohtsutsuki Kaguya was the strongest female ninja.I'll be very interested in her.
If someone does not know who she is, then try this:baike.baidu.com/picture/109029…
About this picture, I in the process of production, I talk to my good friend Quito , Kaguya should be how to look, he gave me a lot of interesting suggestion.
Hope you will like my Kaguya.
You can download the original image for details.
I have no facebook, twitter, even Tumblr , I only have dA here.
If someone is willing to share my work to these sites,Indicate the original author is me that completely OK. I will be very happy.
used: photoshop CS 5
drawing table:wacom Intuos4