Artist's commentary
headscarf princesses 2
Assalaamu alaikum[Peace be to you],
Recently I have been reading various articles about governments in Europe banning the niqab (type of head covering worn by some women which only leaves the eyes visible) or burqa (type of head covering worn by some women which covers the entire body including the eyes with a netted or mesh material).
Throughout the world we see Muslims being attacked in all directions, not just physically, but in other more subtle ways such as through the media demonizing Islam and its followers, making everyday life of a practicing Muslim seem extreme and ancient. This debate on the banning of the veil is another example of the attack on Muslims.
let's ask ourselves what it means to be liberated, the reasons why women wear the hijab and why some people want the veil to be banned. Of course some want it banned because of their hate for Islam and Muslims. examples of these people are those ignorant people who are brainwashed by everything they see on the TV, or maybe its people who feel threatened by women who do not conform to the pressures of fashion and the media these people are those who use women to advertise their products or make a ridiculous amount of money by using women to satisfy their filthy desires. Maybe its people who feel the Islamic way of life is a threat to their way of life and they don't want Islam to be part of their culture. But mostly its people who do not understand Islam, what it teaches and why it’s considered by Muslims the most perfect way of life.
A question I would like to ask is why is it always men who have a problem with a woman choosing to cover herself? (Most of those who talk about liberating Muslim women are men) Would they feel the same way about a woman who comes to see them wearing a bikini? Can't these men value the intelligence of a woman and listen to what she has to say rather than what she looks like?
Some say Islam is a religion which oppresses women; I wonder if that is why the last prophet of Islam, Mohammed -peace be upon him-, in his his last sermon, he reminded the people that the best men are those who are kind to their wives.
There are pressures on women to look a certain way in the western society; slim, yet curvy, nice hair, smooth legs, you only have to sit through a few adverts on TV to know what women are ‘supposed’ to look like. In today’s world they try to tell us that women are more liberated than ever, equal rights and freedom for all. But is this really true? Are women really liberated or has our idea of liberty been severely distorted?
Liberated is a word that shouldn’t be used for all these women who are raped and subjugated, who are forced to be thin, prostitutes who feel the only way for them to survive is to sell themselves to men. Liberated are not the women who are stripped naked and posted on billboards in front a car to make sales. Liberated are not women who have to wear tight, short skirts, low cut shirts and high stiletto heels with tones of make up just to fit in to the work place. Liberated are not women who are taught that to be successful in life you have to look good, have a good job and lots of money, women who are taught that something which is natural (being married whilst still young and having children) makes them unsuccessful and oppressed or signs of aging, something which again is natural. Liberated are not the thousands of women and young girls who spend millions every year to buy cosmetics and have cosmetic surgery to look ‘perfect’ or ‘better’. Liberated are not these celebrities who are either too fat or too thin. Liberated are not women who feel as though they have to have a man to tell them they look good for them to feel good, they are not the women who feel insecure about the way they look or feel as though they need make up and revealing clothes to boost their self esteem. Liberated are not the women who are always in search of something, man or material goods, to make them happy.
Liberated are women who choose to cover themselves to obey Allah[God] not man, they are women who respect themselves and do not let fashion designers strip their dignity. Liberated are those women whose only desire is to enter paradise, women who know that this life is a test and will come to an end. Women who are proud to represent their faith everyday of their lives, who are mirrors of their belief the moment they walk out of the house without even needing to speak. Liberated are the women that keep their beauty hidden from the world because they want to share it with only one man who is committed, who will love them and take care of them all their life, the man they love for the sake of Allah. Liberated are the women who know that their children are a blessing and are thankful everyday to Allah for giving them all they have. Liberated are the women who rely on no man. they rely on Allah alone to get them through each day.
Liberated are the women who expect nothing less than respect and kindness from men, they are the women who treat each other as sisters and not as competition. Liberated are the women who dress modestly like the respected and honorable women before them; Mary -may Allah be pleased with her- mother of Jesus -peace be upon him-, Khadidja -may God be pleased with her- the wife of the prophet Mohammed -peace be upon him- and other great and righteous women...
Liberated are the women of Islam.
from [link] with a little change
Remark: you may or may not like the article above, or the veil in general. that's not a problem. I am not trying to force it on you. I read that article in a website and I liked it so I wanted to share it with you. you can just see it as a way to understand how Muslims think/feel/see things. you may agree with the Author in part of it, and disagree in another part. it's fine. just be respectful when you express your opinion. ok? :D (Big Grin)
Wassalaamu alaikum,