"Dream Match: Ehomaki Speed Eating Contest", the Grand Finals!Yumi, won't you get faaat? Is that really okay~?I'm training with Itsuki, so everything will be fine— Yeah!For maidens, that is a quite overwhelming sight...So.... Ready
... Go-!*chomp*
Huh -!?
... sorry, I lied.Lost to other two*chomp**chomp*I had to......Ay fid id... Bhictori iz main—!!Oh my,
is that Producer?Eeeh, China-aatsu!?
Cinderella Girls Theater
Theater Episode 651 - The maiden's heart and the competitive spiritBy the way, the rules of Ehomaki Showdown are... 1. You turn the lucky side towards you 2. without a single word 3. and without stopping, you eat it all in one go! The competitive spirit over the maiden heart... Splendid, Itsuki