I'm... I'm really that famous?Scary ol' me is just your average Admiral, see?Waaaait!She's pretty small for a shipgirl.And when I caught a cat that's the source of the errors, it made me feel so happy.Heyhey! Little Missy there!Ah! Yes! That's the cat I've been looking for!They think that I'm the one causing the errors... But it's a misunderstanding......you're really that Error Musume, aren'tcha?
Man, never thought that I'd meet such a famous person, you know?Last year, the population of Admirals doubled, and along with it, the cats went up a lot too...
I did my best to catch the cats too.Went to show, you say... hmm, so that's it? What happened?This here's not a shipgirl, yeah? It's that 'Error Musume' chick!Anyway, isn't the thing you're looking for with all your might this white kitty-cat here?When this error-causing cat comes out, we go cat-catching so errors don't happen.There's so many people that make a nasty face whenever they see me...Look! Look!By the way, why're you being all Miss Sneaky and hiding from people when you're searching?...you know about me, right?When I think about it now, it was probably because of my overwork, but...
I went to show everyone the results of my work, you see. Even I've heard some stories about Error-chan, yeah?It's got such a cute face, but it's pretty nasty, innit...
So, that story is related to why you're all sneaky?