Shark race
Mermaids with sharp teeth and the lower body of a shark. Shark mermaids are entirely carnivorous, a rare trait among the predominantly omnivorous mermaids.
Their personalities are wild and aggressive.
In the past they engaged in pirate-like activities, but more recently they have begun to abstain from piracy.
Like sharks, the skeleton in their lower bodies is made of cartilage, making them very delicate. They are mentally weak, as well.Mermaid subspeciesFresh water class
Unlike standard mermaids which reside in warm ocean waters, these mermaids regularly travel from rivers to oceans and back again.
These stoic mermaids never give up their journey regardless of any fierce rapids or waterfalls that may stand in their way.
Because of this, they have slim and fit bodies.
Their colors are more muted than those of standard mermaids.Mermaids
A non-human species with the upper body of a human and lower body of a fish.
Because they live in the water, they have trouble moving on land, but as long as their gills remain moist, they are able to breathe above water.
Most mermaids use wheelchairs to get around on land.
To prevent their bodies from drying out, they are covered in a moist mucus which keeps them wet.
Their entire species loves the "Little Mermaid" fairy tale and longs for a tragic love like the one depicted in the story.
Standard mermaids live in the waters of warm tropical oceans, and their scales and fins are colorful, like tropical fish.Eel race
Mermaids with long bodies like the lamia. Unlike most mermaids, they have no trouble living on land.
Because they produce even more mucus than standard mermaids, they have trouble wearing most clothes.
Their massage techniques utilizing their mucus are highly advanced, and their mucus possesses cosmetic properties as well, making them popular among other mermaids.
They have a tremendous amount of stamina and often stay up all night, making them sleep-deprived most of the time.