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Artist's commentary
【WEB再録】It’s a wonderful world
これの後日談がpixiv #44307073 »だったりします。
I'm much pleased to meet you, my name is Yuu Fujisaki. I'd like to thank you all I can for picking this up! Sorry to ask all of a sudden, but in terms of pairings, do you like the classics among the classics such as ‘baddie x honor student’? I actually love them so much that I could writhe in agony over them. Takamura-kun and Nanase-san appeared in my previous school comic, and as I was thinking: “Deadline is closing in, I don't have any more time. I don't have any time at all. I don't have a story either. I will follow my tastes at full speed. Baddie x honor student could be nice.”, they became a pair in my rapidly finished comic. Nanase preserved her original character from before, but I was able to finish this comic only because I came up with the wild idea of Takamura-kun taking a turn quite out of blue. In that previous work, Takamura-kun's friend and the female class representative (who also appeared briefly in this volume) rocking the boat supposedly trying to get Nanase and Takamura together were the center of the action. It was a full fledged gag comic and would be considered sequel from the perspective of this one, but because I drew it earlier, there is a number of slight differences between the settings of the two. Nanase's breast size is probably the biggest, the reason being that there was the main heroine of big-breasted class representative in the previous setting. As far as Nanase was concerned I thought: “You had them drawn smaller last time, but now you're the main character, so you will have them a tad bit bigger. Rejoice, Takamura-kun! I seriously think that releasing that other comic in a different format someday too would be a good idea. My writing turned out to be quite long, but one last thing – as long as you enjoyed this even a little bit, I'm happy. See you again, somewhere, sometime.