Hurrahahahahahaha!!!Eh?Ah~About that~Also Sun thinks you're absolutely OK going at it alone anyways.It was a trick.Fú yòu
What it sounds like, except with Buddha.This humble monk's meeting with you must be fate. Wear this circlet, and from today onwards this humble monk will be your master.
Humble: impoverishedTrapped for 500 years, Sūn is finally free again!!
Sun Wukong refers to herself (and in the original to himself) as 老孫, meaning 'Old/Elder Sun'. Like most character referring to themselves in third person, it gives off an air of immaturity and/or arrogance.You, didn't you say that if this humble monk let you out, you would agree to be my disciple and guard me to India to retrieve the scriptures?Chapter 1 (3)Oh, about that retrieving scriptures thing, actually Sun has to go buy some soy sauce fast so she can't come with you. Really sorry about that~!
Buy soy sauce: Chinese meme for "be somewhere else".Chapter 1 (4)