It's the opposite, really. It's because I know about the mallet's power that I'm going to capture you.In the first place, the fact that you've managed to get freedom like this was because I unleashed the power of the mallet, right?Ah? What, so it's a tsukumogami.
Actual dialogue from Impossible Spell Card. You don't know when to give up, do you? Why don't you quietly give up and be caught? In that case, how 'bout we show our gratitude and call you "Mommy"?Though you should be indebted to me, isn't it weird for you to get in my way? Mama! Yaaaaaaaaaay! Mama! Stop that.
Who the hell are you callin' "Mommy"? Don't join in, dammit! But I guess you have a point. Even if it's something like ill fate, it is thanks to you that we became tsukumogami...