The Misty Lake...No, I'm going!!!...'s lake bed.Get back here!!!Hold it, Charlie!TrembleAck!ShakeAh!She's long since...I just...our numbers drop like a rock!!It''s okay...Oh, Jack!!!JacquelineEverytime "it" shows up...Charliemy darling Jacqueline...!!!I'm gonna have my revenge!!!It even got...Shut the frog up!!!Besides, you still...I...I'm sorry, Lucy...have me, don't y-I love you, Lucy!!!Come on...give it up, already, Charlie...We live in accordance with an inescapable instinct known as "continuation of the species". So you're an amphibian, like me, but I'd never considered the fact.I love his argumentative side too...Kara'agetarouBeing the same face is misleading!BamMisty Lake RimTurn