The artificial island under construction During those years many plans were executed to ensure the survival of the race. The biggest and the most secret among them was the Hisago Island plan, which involved constructing a gigantic artificial island in the pacific ocean where is it unreachable by the Genjuu. Important government figures and their family would then be sheltered there and would live there permanently.
However, in 1999, Kyuushuu, long thought to be the starting point of Japan's destruction, was successfully defended. This victory revived the viewpoint that defending Japan was possible, turning the Hisago escape plan into an embarrassment for the government. Even though the artificial island was already completed, there is no longer any political will to move it into location. While the government brass debated over what to do with the artificial island, a large typhoon in the summer of 2000 washed the island away. The obvious plan of action then was to secretly tow the island and then abandon it in the Pacific ocean.