Stopstopstop, wait, erm, ummm! A hint! Gimme a hint!Right, the answer coming in...Copy-pasteNow, what did the fate prepare for Mistress Remilia!?Grin...Quiz of love! Rumia, who is not striking her usual pose! Daiyousei, hiding her wings! Young Mistress without her hat and wings! Just who among them is our young Mistress!?Wait, hold on, I just heard a smirk!That's impossible!!!Young Mistress said...Thank you Flan, for believing in your sister, but your sister has her limits too, you know?And since Milady has feelings of love for young Mistress, she surely knows! Okay, shout away!Ah! The one in the middle is not her! You're pretty obvious, good girl!..."She will know for sure, she has to".By the way, she said something about "squeezing" in case you get it wrong.To be continued or not...Sisterly love is terrifying from inside out!She laughed! You had an evil laugh just now, Flan!