The starting price is 60000 dollar.Yes, The pair of 4 years old socks was sold to miss Suika with an abnormal obsession to Reimu's socks~The hammer price is 2 million 5 hundred!Next in the Auction is Reimu's 4 years old socks!Next, let's play "Wish upon the stars", ze!I'll die without that money this month, but it is still worth it.2500000!!!Sorry, I just did the retort up in the third frame, so now is a little...Reimu~, come watch our band, da ze.I am the chorus, AND, Pine cones.We don't want to get involved~You motherfuckers are evil!!!What is Vocal, AND, triangle?
You know, cause of the word 兼(ken)...Are those socks that good? Hand 'em over.I am China, AND, triangle.'Ey! Girl!I am the sponsor.They're disgusting!! Don't smell them!!!Heh... You play in a band?Shi~t, shit shit shit~I am Vocal, AND, triangle.Sold~!!!!!