Unfortunately, I won't yield her to anyone, because I also want to feel her tails everyday myself. Besides....But to do that, I need the cooperation from you, the master.I don't want to let Ran have you... ♥This ish Yukari-shama's Mayohigaa!Hahaha, So even Yukari-san is attracted to me. You're still a woman after all!!Hah!?O you alluring beauty... Why would you care for a man with no memory such as I...?Breakfast ish ready, come and eat!Hah!?Hold on, Rinnosuke. Are you thinking of some woman other than me right now?Urrroggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh! Ran-shamaaaaaaaa is so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!My WaifuI want you to be my waifu so I can feel your fluffy fluffy tails everyday!!One scene on repeatHahaha, O-oF CCcouRse nNnNot.Where is this? Who am I?I am relieved that your consciousness has returned.I just had a dream of having an affair with...If I must say it, then I will say there is nothing but Wriggle-kun sucking on Chupa Chups inside my mind right now!!There's no way someone so cute like that is a girl, right!?