Here you go! Thanks for your continued support!EhWhy!?Ahhhh!
It's COMPACK, meow!We were enemies in the beginning, but after a battle to the death we acknowledged each other as "rivals" on paper but pronounced "friends".
Yes, it was London 1888, I won't forget that fated encounter in the foggy nightMah, such drama...To get something resembling a straight answerEven when we wear a disguise our aura still seeps out, half-human-chanAutograph please, autograph!!It wasThen I shall go inquire with Patchouli-samaSure is troublesome being famous, half-ghost-chanWhy is the option-san signing as Youmu, meow?When did Mistress start becoming friends with Patchouli-sama?OZEUYeah...but what's important is our relations nowFlan remembersho ho hoNo matter how beautiful, the memories are in the past...
We mustn't be imprisoned by it, so just forget about that