Of course, "Fuck" also has the nuance of extreme anger. In these example sentences, be sure to put the feeling of praise or admiration into it when you pronounce it. Getting your pronunciation wrong could start a fight... no, it could cost you your life.Vocabulary Check!VerbLet's read out loud!FUCK!
is the
foundation!(Obscenity, Slang)NounSex / Sex partner (primarily female) / Expression of strong emotion, DamnTranslationI like you!
Come over to my house and fuck my sister!Let's talk using "FUCK!"I'm hella smart!(The real meaning is "Go away!" but as language changes, this meaning is being adopted.)To have sex with / To regard extremely strongly / To shut up"Fuck" is the foundation of a marine's speech! There are plenty of uses of this word, even outside of being angry. Here we will introduce you to various uses of the word "fuck" in day to day life!That's as good as an A (grades)!That's it exactly!Uhh... What was it? Come on...Hey, you're pretty smart!Have a nice day!