Sheesh! When is Komachi coming back!lazyBunbunIn a dog's form or a human form, I can still procrastinate!who still savour being turned into an animal, it seemsHoshiguma!
Savouring a bananaI learned my lesson this time!*stare*"Freedom" doesn't take a formI threw the pillow away already!Sakuya sniffy sniffAt the very least you gotta neuter it!Can I keep this dog?Sakuya--
Sakuya--Thank you!!The end...So, there are those in the worldThe essence of a person doesn't change that easilySakuya licky licky!!In place of your lazy master, sister here will take care of you, Seal-chan!How can you put on such a refreshed face like someone who hasn't learned anything from all this!!Well of course....If you want to change it