I was really worried for a moment when the ones I brought from outside ran outShe transforms into Maiden Wriggle!*heartbeat*Where did you hear that from?Trash media!I-I know!
Girls use photoshop!Will bad Momiji get turned into an animal?Sorry Aya-sama I broke a dishHmm, make up, huh...When Wriggle Nightbug puts on the Yagokoro Perfect Lipstick on her unkissed lipsTengu! Did you catch anything about the incident when chasing this story?SCAM!!Yagokoro's cosmetics are really greatOh, don't you know that there's no girl who doesn't use Photoshop nowadays, usa?*Crash*Yes, welcome usa.Isn't the fact that they are so geographically disparate unnatural in itself...?Allow me to explain!Yagokoro Perfect LipstickYou won't!
It's dangerous so don't touch it!I got some great scoopI'm worried because mine ran out!Scarlet Devil Mansion...
Palace of Earthly Spirits...If that's the case then the next incident will happen in--Thanks to the incident!Wait a minute...this incident....
I thought that the victims are scattered and have no correlation before...