me tooGroaaaaaar!Though, Kumigashira is already strong and cool even without Mega Evolution, I think...What is it?Kui!Kui!Yes.*clip*Graaaaaah!Mega Greninja!!Chaa...*stick*......uuuhhnn...*clip*Somehow it feels slimy...But, isn't Kumigashira (nickname) unable to have Mega Evolution...?Kumigashira has mega evolved into...Eeh?
You guys are already able to do that, aren't ya!?
*scribble*Come on now, geez...*slide*I made it to deal with it like an adult!!Eh? What?This?Serena's Mega Ring reacted to Kumigashira the Greninja!!Ah, it seems impossible...Hm?Hu- Hurraaay!!*clip**stick* want to play this Mega Evolution too?So you want Mega Evolution too?me tooSeriously?Chaa!*slide*