Artist's commentary
children's work day!
Hello!! *this description is full of fire emblem:awakening spoilers. i do not want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't played, so don't read on if you haven't!*
I've been playing fire emblem awakening recently XD. ;u ; it's a game where you find yourself emotionally attached to fictional children (...this.. doesn't sound too right lol). I've always thought about how the life in the Shepherds' camp became like when their future children joined them, working along with their alternate parents. I have a terrible bias towards Brady!! HE'S SO MOE. But i love everyone else too (even Severa though her personality kind of irks me) especcially the baka trio (brady, inigo, owain ugguuu) Also not seen in this picture is my MU stalking them * U *<3333333. I'm sorry i ended up colouring this really lazily though Y u Y
Anyway! this has been on my art tumblr for some time now, posting this here too finally and do tell me who are your favorite childrennnnnnn and if you've finished the future past dlc can be virtually jump up and down hand-in-hand sob. see me going on and on orz AS YOU CAN SEE THIS GAME ATE MY SOUL.
*as usual, if you intend to reblog this on tumblr, it is much preferred if you reblog it from my art blog here: [link]