Artist's commentary
But You Don't Have to Love Us
A follow-up to the last one. Last Pikmin thing for now.
I have been really out of the gaming loop for the past year and I only just found out that Nintendo's press conference was today. What I took away from their showing was that they weren't ready to show strong titles for the Wii U yet, as the 3DS lineup was considerably more promising. The new Paper Mario and Luigi's Mansion both look interesting, although lately I've been finding myself more interested in making a dent in the backlog of unfinished games I already have than in new games, so I'm honestly relieved that I don't have to start anticipating major Wii U titles yet. Pikmin 3 is currently the main reason I'm interested in the new console.
(I know I said I was going to be around more often from now on, but getting my schedule in order is taking me longer than I expected -- i.e. lately I've been enjoying having time to go outside while it's still daylight so much that I've been finding excuses to stay away from indoor activities -- so my apologies for still taking a long time to reply to everything. I'm trying to get things settled down into a working routine eventually.)