(originally でも、その。。。)
Don't tease her!Hey!Although you didn't change the destiny of that girl...
(originally あの少女の運命こそ変えられなかったとは言え)Ah......I, he... Was in front of Iwakasa, in optical camouflage...
(originally 私、彼。。。岩笠の前で、光学迷彩を)I'm freeit seems like this world is a lot more pleasant for you.
(originally まあ随分とお前にとって楽しい世界の様だな)I was thinking, is this bad...?
(originally これでも一応、悪かったとは思ってるんだよ。。。?)I told you, that I didn't change destiny, but...
(originally う、運命を変えれなかったって言ったけど)I've noticed... A voice comes out just reflexively...
(originally 気付いたら。。。つい反射的に声が出ていて。。。)