Very dangerous action.
(originally とても危険なもので) showing up in front of me that night.
(originally あの晩、私の前に姿を見せたのか)Nito surpassed any impossibility...the one who manages Gensokyo surely couldn't overlook it.
(originally 幻想郷の管理者はきっと見逃しはしないだろう)On that mountain, he was supposed to die by my hand.
(originally あの山で私は、この手で彼を殺す筈だった)The screw of fate has forcefully come loose, and action has been interrupted.
(originally それを強引にねじぬげるあの行動はきった)If it only has an effect on Gensokyo...
(originally それがこの幻想郷にまで影響をおよぼすとしたら)