It's already morning. Please get up.Popota,It spoke!?Reimu-san. It might soon be time for me to go.*twitch*And I am Popota the 2nd.PopotaI am Popota the 3rd.THIS SITUATION!?Do not worry though. Even if I die, the second and third me shall...And so... Goodbye...*twitch*POPOTAAAAAA!!*door creaking open*Even today, Popota is well.Popota!?Don't be sad...
Don't you know...
I'll always be by your side?WAS THAT A GHIBLI FILM?!
The kanji used here is the one for 'smell' and can be used in the same way as the English word 'redolent', so I'm guessing that she means that dream was Ghibli-esque; if there's any other meaning of which I'm unaware please correct this.The InevitableWhat's wrong!? What happened!?